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用户零感知到达云端: Evernote顺利完成向 Google 云平台的迁移


编辑手记:Evernote完成了向Google 云上的迁移,70天完成了超过3PB的数据,数据相当于历史上出版过书籍的10倍,而对于每天都使用Evernote的用户,完全没有感知到整个迁移过程。


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Back in September, we announced that Evernote would be migrating to a modern, cloud infrastructure. We lost no time in getting started. Just one month after the announcement, we were already moving data to the Google Cloud Platform. We’re excited to announce that Evernote has successfully migrated our service to the cloud, and accomplished this with minimal impact on our customers.

去年九月的时候,我们宣布将要把Evernote迁移到一个现代化的云基础设施上,并在公告发布以后,立即着手做。一个月之后,我们已经将数据迁移到了Google 的云平台上了,今天我们很自豪地宣布,我们已经将Evernote成功地迁移到了云上,并在整个过程尽可能减少了对用户的影响。

Because this migration took place in the background, you wouldn’t have noticed any changes to your day-to-day experience in Evernote. For engineers who understand the technical complexities involved with moving large amounts of data into the cloud quickly and safely, Evernote’s migration to the cloud was monumental.


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What we did

To borrow from the analogy of moving to a new house: At first glance, Evernote’s new home in the cloud may not look all that different, but it’s built on a much stronger foundation, sits on a larger lot, comes with new plumbing, and even has an upgraded alarm system. Overall, it’s a much better place to live.


Rather than pouring resources into the day-to-day maintenance of equipment and software required for running the Evernote service, we can now focus more of our time and energy into responding to customer needs. Though subtle at first, this move to the cloud will bring about more noticeable benefits in the not-so-distant future, such as increased uptime, security improvements, and faster delivery of new and innovative features.


What we achieved

Although every engineering endeavor is different and encounters unique challenges, cloud migration efforts of this magnitude usually take longer than expected (9-12 months) and consume more resources than originally estimated.


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Driven by our commitment to minimizing disruptions to your service, we did it in just 70 days. In this short time frame, we successfully moved 5 billion notes and 5 billion attachments over to our new cloud-based infrastructure. That’s over 3 petabytes of data. To give you some context, that’s equivalent to moving enough content to fill up 10+ copies* of all the books ever published in all of modern history.


在我们致力于最大程度减少服务中断的驱动下,我们在短短70天内完成了这项工作。 在这短暂的时间内,我们成功地将50亿份笔记和50亿个附件文件转移到了新的基于云的基础设施上。 本次迁移的数据超过3 PB,这相当于移动足够的内容来填充所有在现代历史上出版的所有图书的10多个副本。

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Although no physical moving vans or boxes were required, Evernote took extreme precautions to ensure that all the data was packaged properly, systematically organized, and safely transported. We started by transporting just a few items at a time, then moved more data over once we were 100% certain it was safe to do so.

虽然不需要物理移动的货车或箱子,但Evernote需要制定精确的预防措施,以确保所有数据都正确打包,系统组织和安全运输。 我们开始时一次只传输了几个项目点数据,在确保数据安全之后,然后再移动更多的数据。

A faster, more reliable Evernote

So what benefits can you expect to see once we’ve completely settled into our new home in the cloud? 


For many, Evernote is an extension of their minds, so security has always been of utmost priority. With encryption at rest and improved disaster recovery planning, we can provide an extra layer of protection for your thoughts and ideas.


It’s common practice to encrypt data when it’s being transferred from one place to another so it can’t be read, even if it’s intercepted. The concept of ‘encryption at rest,’ however, means that your data is protected, even when it is not being moved anywhere. Disaster recovery planning ensures that we are better equipped to restore the Evernote service smoothly and quickly, in the unlikely event of a major disaster.




What’s next?

Now that we’ve hit our audacious goal and reached the cloud, we’re already putting these advantages to work. Stay tuned for more news as we build the next generation of Evernote—one that will help you get more done with speed, security, and peace of mind.


For more technical details about how we achieved the cloud migration, visit the Evernote Tech Blog。


Note: There have been approximately 150 million books published in the modern world. Each book would take 2 MB of computer space to store. All books published in the modern world = 300 million MB = 0.3 PB. We moved 3 PB. This is equivalent to moving an estimated 10x the number of books have ever been published in all of modern history.

注:现在世界上出版了约1.5亿本书。 每本书需要2MB的计算机空间来存储。 所有出版在现代世界的书= 300万MB = 0.3 PB。 我们搬了3个PB。 这相当于将所有现代历史上出版的书籍数量估计为10倍。

If you have any questions, we invite you to visit the Evernote Forum, where members of our technical team will be available to answer your questions and comments.



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